Saturday, January 12, 2013


      The 2010 census report in America revealed there to be 308.7 million people living in the United States. Of these 308.7 million people there are 217,149,127 people age 16 and over. Of these the make up of males between the age of 16 and 50, is 74,609,713. That is 74 million, 609 thousand and 713 males in America, between the age of  16 - 59. As a nation, we are a fairly large, and a diverse population, among the rest of the world, America ranks 3rd of 200 countries. However, the debate we are having here in the United States, over the 2nd amendment, is dividing this nation and stressing relations of brothers against brothers, fathers against sons.
       In Newtown Connecticut, on December, 14th 2012, Adam Lanza shot his own mother to death in her home, then went to the local elementary school with a hand gun and assault rifle, and shot and killed 6 school employees and 20 children. These are the facts and the totality of the destruction.
       According to the 2010 statistics posted by the F.B.I., 8,775 people were killed in the United States by firearms. Of those people killed, 6009 people were killed by handguns (pistols), 358 were killed by rifles.    As Washington descends down upon the 2nd amendment, like a bird to its prey, the lines are being drawn in the sand. Debates are hostile and normal everyday Americans are exhibiting hostility not seen in over 50 years towards one another. Anti-gun, special interest groups have decided to use this incident to position themselves right between Americans and their guns.
       The narrative that is being used by most of these groups, and force fed by the media, is one that so many Americans every year are being killed by guns. The fact that 20 children were killed, in school nonetheless, and two weeks before Christmas, has presented a golden egg for these groups, as well as for a very liberal anti-gun president. Unfortunately, the narrative that is being presented is completely exaggerated and, a knee jerk reaction, as a consequence to a terrible incident that killed 20 kids. As tragic as it all was in Newtown, anti-gun people are attacking assault riffles, particularly, when fact is the rifle jammed on the shooter and was found in the hallway, most of the victims were shot with the .40 cal. hand guns he took into the school with him. This is evidence that the real issue is not going to be addressed, nor do the anti-gun groups or the President have any interest, other than infringing American rights.
       We are in a place where the truth needs to be talked about. Moreover we need to be honest with ourselves and expose the media, and special-interest anti-gun lobbyists, for their intentional, and malicious, deceit towards the American people.

Here are a few looks at statistics, some numbers, that bring all this into perspective:
2010 deaths caused by shotguns .....................................................................373
2010 deaths caused by  knives and other cutting instruments.............................1,704
2010 deaths caused by blunt objects (tire irons, hammers, bats)..........................540
2010 deaths caused by personal weapons (hands, feet and ect.).........................742

2010 deaths caused by riffles (including assault weapons)..................................358 *

These stats are provided by the F.B.I. 2010 crime report. I ask you, why are we allowing the special-interest groups and the anti-gun President to attack the rights of law abiding gun owners? When clearly this is not even the issue? It is however, simply being motivated and moved on a wave of emotion, over 20 children. The government is not wasting a perfectly good tragedy, to maneuver their political agenda squarely in a place to capitalize on the misfortune of  little kids and grieving parents.
Wake up America, my fellow Americans, and see the Trojan horse for what it is: A crafty play by a crafty Chicago politician that only looks to divide and destroy the rights of law abiding Americans.

God bless and this is "THE BOTTOM LINE".   

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