REV Terry Jones, and the Detroit Mosque
Whether you like this guy or not what the issue is here is the letter of the law. Unfortunately the first amendment affords him the right to peaceably assemble and to protest. It however doesn't state that he is responsible for the actions of others viewing his protests. Blacks in this country were allowed in the 60's to protest as much as it upset sickened some and angered many , granted the white cops didn't do all the could or were supposed to do to protect the right s of protesters. As recently as this spring our own Supreme Court of the United States ruled in favor of the Kansas church that trolls the country looking for the grieving families of dead soldiers and descends upon funerals to mock and protest the tragedy. Their antagonizing and out right hateful display of christian love is one of the most socially irresponsible things I've ever witnessed as an American, to protest a funeral, but nevertheless to my and many other veterans and civilized Americans the court found it a violation of the 1st amendment to stop it. So as much as it would pain many in the community where this protest would take place this man has the right to peaceable assemble and to conduct his protest in a orderly fashion. The fact of the matter is every minority group in this country think the constitution affords only themselves the right to create equality, when in fact it is place to offer ALL of the citizens a voice for what they and they alone see as a inequality, when we as a nation start to sit and decide to whom and to what extent the severity of the grievance that a group is trying to protest we have now eroded immeasurably the benefit and purpose of the finest document ever drafted to govern civil behavior. Moreover protests in this country by many of the same individuals clamoring to stop the Rev Terry Jones have themselves burned flags of America and protested the action of the very government that blankets them with these protecting civil liberties, but now somehow object to being the center of a protests............ Welcome to America.
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