We will start by preferencing this whole article, that you believe in a "God", the God. With the understanding that the one true God that we are speaking of, is indeed, the God of reference in the Bible. The God, that is mentioned when credit to creation, and live on this earth is given. This will be the "God" I will be referring to when ever I mention "God".
We have witnessed on T.V. and through the Internet, and newspaper, the undoing of a long lived tyrant in Libya. Muammer Gaddafi has been captured, and killed, and the liberated peoples of Libya now have another fight on their hands. After battling for decades, to gain freedom, and a life of prosperity, and a future that had been denied them under Muammar Gaddafi and his regime. Libyans are being manipulated into another tyrannical system of suppression and oppression, Under the rule of "Sharia Law" the people of this country, whom have been denied reasonable opportunities by past governments, to prosper and have the possibilities of a full filled life given to them, will be once again denied those same "GOD" given rights. Sharia Law is "anti" women's right, under these oppressive doctrine, women would be set back 50 years in Libya. One example, is the injustice in the (Family Law) portion of Sharia Law. There are areas of life that this form of law will, I suppose bring order to an otherwise lawless land, however the invitation of civil rights abuse, and the breeding of discrimination, and imbalance of power, to be given to a religious group, is a recipe for future degradation. Afghanistan , is a perfect example, as is Saudi Arabia, were human right take a back seat to Allah's Law. My hope for the struggling people of Libya is that some of the young modern thinking minds that are hungry for a sustainable future for their nation, moves to be more exclusive of this obvious counter productive, divisive, model of governing. My belief is that God loves us, and through his love, wants us to love one another, this however is not what Sharia Law wants for us whether we are in Libya, London, Luxembourg or Los Angeles.
There are plenty of people that will want to argue, say Sharia Law is the way God wants man to live, and tries to put man closer to God. I would argue that just watch in society and see how people interact with one another, and see if people respond to acts of kindness and aid and compassion, or do people respond to restriction rigorous rules and penalties , and extreme punishment, with little compassion for one another. You decide which law you would like to life under the next time ,in a town near you, a few, start pressing local leaders to implement Sharia Law.
Here are are a couple other articles, for further reading enjoy. Remember love comes from the heart, not the end of a sword.